Mikaela-EDCI 335

Blog Post #3- Inclusive education

The interactive learning resource that I am doing with my group is going to ensure that the needs of all learners will be met by intentionally creating resources and a layout that accounts for various intersectionalities. A member of our group is assigned to review the resource, apply foundations, and create a piece of writing that assesses our inclusivity. The interactive learning resource will be conducted in a way that uses language to account for various learning types. Adapting to accommodate learning styles and creating different activities to achieve learning is a way one way of being inclusive. Teaching is a creative job and is about more than the learning. It is important to engage students in the process and meet them where they are at, it is about social and emotional wellbeing. Education is about supporting not obstructing and Article 24 makes sure that all children have are support and included (Inclusive Education Canada, 2020). Another important aspect is that the resource will ensure space for growth as to allow for changes to be made to suit the needs of each group of students.

There is really no way to ensure that all the bases are covered in the case of an unexpected event, but in any circumstance our interactive learning resource can be met with adaptability. The structure of the resource is in a blog format and therefore if the location or delivery needs to be changed, we are already set up for those scenarios. In the event that the resource needs to be in-person, the setup allows for us to print out resources and adapt to in class teaching. In the past education was rigid and people with different abilities were excluded from the classroom. The positive change to be inclusive and recognize that our schools create a community and play a huge roll in socialization for all children, also lends space to creativity and adaptability in how this teaching is delivered. As educators it can no longer be a one size fits all approach but a fluid process adapting and changing to be a student led educational experience.


Inclusive Education Canada. (2020). Right To Education. Inclusive Education Canada. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from https://inclusiveeducation.ca/learn/right-to-education/ 

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  1. Anastassiya March 7, 2023

    Hi Mikaela! Thank you for your post! You mentioned that “the resource will ensure space for growth as to allow for changes to be made to suit the needs of each group of students.” What particular strategies do you plan to use? You may also think about how to optimize access to tools and assistive technologies to support learners with special accommodation requests.

  2. gracekazadi March 28, 2023

    Hey Mikaela. This is a great post! Even though you do not give a whole lot of practical details on how exactly your group will make its learning design more interactive, I really like that you state that you anticipate unexpected events and are already prepared for that. This is huge as, just like you explained, teaching is a creative job and there is no fix or one-size-fits-all teaching model. I’m glad that you can prepare to appropriately adapt to those potential context differences.

    Moreover, in a sense, I do agree with keeping some practical details unset in stone, as this is what will allow you to appropriately accommodate and welcome as many different leaners and teaching settings.

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